Dr. Elena Kostova

Internal diseases, Cardiology

Dr. Elena Kostova is a cardiologist based in Sofia. She has more than 20 years of experience. Dr. Kostova’s work includes diagnostics and treatment of cardiological diseases (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, arrhythmia, heart failure), Holter monitoring, etc. Dr. Kostova does not treat children.


Dr. Kostova graduated from the Medical University of Sofia in 1996. She specialized in Internal diseases, Invasive cardiology, and Cardiology and obtained her diplomas respectively in 2002, 2005, and 2010.


  • Invasive cardiology course, Holter monitoring, ECG Holter, echocardiography;
  • Member of the Bulgarian Medical Association, Invasive Cardiology Association, and the Cardiology Association in Bulgaria;
  • Participated in numerous national and international surgery congresses;


Dr. Kostova is now part of National Cardiology Hospital in Sofia, as well as part of Medical Center Hera’s team. Fluent in German, English, and Russian languages.

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